eS's meal.. taste like vomit to me. haha
me. weiling and eS. 2007
Celebrate gL's birthday. no. it is not a celebration. haha. coz gL is late. The changED boy is, once again, late. This time 3 hour. Anyway, able to be the first to say happy birthday to him cause he reach at about 12. Did a card for him and michael. Lucky michael and eS was there else i have to wait for him all alone. Treat them subway coz i dun think i have the time to meet michael on his birtday.
Me on that day. haha. Michael and eS look tired to take photo. One just book out from OCS and the other just knock off from work.
I saw a top that i like @ far east on friday. But decide not to buy coz there's a speck of dirt on the top. But after that i regret and keep thinking about it. So got back on sunday and intend to buy it but it was already sold out T______T. alamak! should have bought it even if it is just abit dirty. i really like that top.
This week. I have one lab test and one quiz on thursday and to prepare for it, i intend not to sleep on wednesday. But i end up super restless on thursday morning. I go out early so that i can have a seat on train to school. I went to the 7-11 and bought an energy drink (shark). according to michael it really helps and give u energy. so like what he did, i drink one shot till it is like 3/4. It was then i realise people who are sensitive to caffeine are advice not to take.
During the lab test which is @ 8 30am, the side effect of drinking that energy drink elapse. My heartbeat increase and my mind totally went blank. I cant concentrate at all because of the loud and rapid heartbeat of mine. I pray to god cause @ 10 13 i haven even finish a function. Praise god. I manage to finish it @ 10 28. haha 2 min before the lab test is over. After that i went to the toilet and found my cheek is blushing. My friend thought i put blushing. yea.. energy drink is damn powerful. lol.. i dun even blush when i drink alcohol. Now i know what is the feeling of seeing a dream guy. LOL.. heartbeat increase, mind blank and face blushing.
For those who have not seen and wanted to see the guitar (me and the guitar). Haha.. eS, michael and wL.. next time play song for u all.. after all u all give me that guitar. <-- see?! nice rite? the guitar u all bought next time play secret by jay ok? play for u all when we meet the next time~