At changi airport.. bus we took to xi men ding where we were drop by just outside elementary school that look really haunted. When we get down the bus, the temperature is superb! lol.. it's like aircon~
On the bus..
After we check in, just went over to ximending walk walk.. about 10pm ba.. saw this stall
engsin photography skill not very good on the first day.. picture very blur.. anyway.. the food is okay.. not too bad..
Taipei 101 behind us.. not very clear.. anyway.. taken for a distance.. too tall to be taken right under it
The icon for taipei101.. forget it's name already.. anyway.. behind thay.. is a 660ton ball bearing used to balance taipei 101..
going up to the 90th floor.. the outdoor observation
when to xin guang san yue which is near to tp101.. it's specially meant for taitai.. the stuff inside is damn expensive and they got all the boutique over there la.. any guy who wan to find some rich girl to marry u just dress urself well and go over there to shop.. haha
this is their one time ticket for the train.. so u just tap it like ezlink card when u go in.. and return it at the gate when u are going to exit..
Their one-time use coin size ticket
going to wu fen pu i think..
Their bus stop... one the last day went to taoyuan.. use an hour to find the bus back to tao yuan airport.. because the busstop is not obvious and it's just a pole with a board.. and there's alot more company of bus over there.. take it on the bus.. their grave is very big.. from far, they all look like small temple pack together to me.. haha.. too much land to waste.
local product from jiu fen.. the car trip is too tiring.. i will not visit it the next time i go there.. haha..
some picture taken from jiu fen The oldest tea chapter in jiu fen.. we sat on an antique bed i think.. it's expensive to enter this tea chapter.. but too bad.. lol.. need to answer the call of nature.. in order to.. got to come here.
haha.. me serving.. eS say look like waiteress.. anyway.. she looks like waitress when i help her to take the pic too.. haha
looks like his family.. but my cousin that me the other two is bastard(cross breed).. lol
they are really big and look like they can kill me anytime.. they chase ppl who walk across this private property. lucky im part of the family.. else i wun even drive pass this household.. lol.. they got like 5 dog lor. And they bite =S
no wonder my cousins got to put board to warn ppl who attempt to trepass the land. To translate what the board says:
-Evil dog is inside
-No trespassing
-If there's anything wrong, we dun cover for it..
something liddat.. lol. my chinese translation cannot make it
Went to the kitchen and found this cat sleeping. Lazy cat.. always saw him sleeping when i go there.
I shoot him actually..
i cant believe i still manage to sit on the swing without breaking it.. haha.
Card for Bing ren... feel like make a card that is pack with chinese oriental style for him.. but in the end.. it looks like a new year card.. anyway.. everything was drawn by me.. including the bamboo... if i have a cutter for paper instead of a penknife, i could cut the window better..