Have not blog for the longest time.. been busy with school work..seem to me that recently all that surround me is school and church. Projects and assignment on hand and more to come.. I think will be occupied with school works till exam.. Went to morning prayer this week. It great even though i've missed one because i overslept.. I thank God for his strength and grace that sustain me for my school work.
well, lets start blogging about then stuff i did from last month.. haha.. since i din really did much( i'm busy with school world)
nth much.. school just start last month yet i feel like it's been so long since school start. half of the semester has gone and exam is coming.
Thanks to Tryson and his sister, we got to eat this 10 course meal for free~ it a table for 10 but there's only 7 ppl and 6 are girls. It's for Tryson's, yiwei and xueni birthday celebration btw.
xueni and me before the dish come.. playing around.
Haha.. taking with their cake.. looks like im celebrating my 30th birthday

All 7 of us that is present over there..
Me testing the cake~ haha.. i like it man!